For centuries, individuals have been using tea consumption for its healing properties and antioxidant benefits. There are hundreds of different types of tea each with its benefits. You may be familiar with the more popular black tea or green tea, but have you ever heard of ginger tea? 

This beneficial drink is made from ginger root. Ginger root is a popular spice that originated in Southeast Asia and has been used for several health advantages such as improving cognitive function, boosting your immune system, and may support liver and kidney health. 

If you have kidney damage, a similar health condition, or simply want to go on a kidney cleanse, your healthcare provider may recommend ginger supplements, ginger extracts, or a form of ginger tea as part of a kidney-friendly diet. 

In this article, we’ll give you the full breakdown of ginger tea, including the benefits of drinking ginger tea and how to prepare it at home! Keep reading for all of the information. 

Ginger tea in a glass
Ginger tea in a glass

What is Ginger Tea? 

Ginger tea has been used for its medicinal properties since early dynasties in China dating back to the seventh century. Other names for ginger tea include shōgayu, saenggang-cha, teh halia, teh jahe, or salabat. Tea drinkers love ginger tea for its sweet and tangy flavors. The notable health benefits of ginger are lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and help with inflammation and upset stomach. 

Ginger tea can be prepared in multiple ways, by using ginger root spices in a mixture with other herbal tea leaves, or by simply boiling a piece of fresh ginger. Either way, ginger tea has many benefits when it comes to health. 

Delicious ginger tea in transparent tea cup with saucer and ginger root and ginger slices isolated on white background. 
Delicious ginger tea in transparent tea cup with saucer and ginger root and ginger slices isolated on white background. 

What are the Benefits of Drinking Ginger Tea? 

The same benefits that were discovered by the Chinese dynasties remain for ginger tea drinkers today. The natural ingredient ginger contains many antioxidants and other helpful components such as Vitamin C which can play an important role in a healthy diet. Ginger is also linked to neutralizing free radicals within the body. Take a look at the full list of health benefits that come from drinking ginger tea regularly: 

  • Boosts Your Immune System

Ginger and extracts of ginger have potent antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. These properties combine to create super-human immune powers. A significant increase in immune function can fight off illnesses such as the common cold, sore throats, and respiratory illnesses such as asthma. 

  • Reduces Inflammation and Pain 

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, one of ginger tea’s benefits includes reduced inflammation which can relieve joint pain and menstrual pain. In certain chronic diseases, reduced blood flow causes blood vessels to constrict to cause pain. Recent studies have shown that a simple way to relieve this pain is by incorporating ginger into your diet. 

  • Nausea Relief 

Have you ever wondered why people drink ginger ale when they have an upset stomach? This is because ginger can manage nausea due to morning sickness and motion sickness. If you have an upset stomach for any reason, use between 250 milligrams to 2 grams of ginger to relieve these symptoms. 

  • Lower Stress Levels and Decrease Blood Pressure 

If you suffer from stress or anxiety, it is a good idea to drink ginger tea. High-stress levels can result in troubling health conditions like high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. Scientific evidence links ginger to reduced stress. 

  • Aids in Digestion 

Ginger tea is a powerful digestive aid. Studies show that consuming ginger in various forms can help to improve gastrointestinal symptoms such as upset stomach, constipation, and gas. Ginger helps the digestive system work properly. Because of its soothing, beneficial properties, a cup of ginger tea is one of the best ways to fully digest a large meal. 

  • Improve Cognitive Function 

Consuming ginger daily can support brain health, especially in middle-aged individuals who suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s. Multiple studies done on humans and animals concluded that ginger aided in both attention and cognitive processing capabilities, as well as better quality of memories in middle-aged women. 

  • Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels

One of the leading causes of death in the United States is heart disease. Contributing factors include smoking, high cholesterol, and an unhealthy diet. Ginger can lower dangerous levels of cholesterol. This benefit, in addition to the increased blood flow greatly reduces the risk of build-up in arteries that leads to blood clots and heart attacks. Overall, ginger is great for heart health. 

  • Linked to Prevention of Cancer 

As we mentioned earlier, ginger is a strong source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to this benefit, ginger may help to ward off certain types of cancer. A small study suggests that ginger can help to stop the formation of cancer cells within the body. Of course, this small little spice cannot take on the task of preventing cancer on its own, it is one healthy choice that can have an impact on this degenerative and unpredictable disease. 

Ginger tea with honey and cinnamons on burlap over table
Ginger tea with honey and cinnamons on burlap over table

Side Effects of Too Much Ginger 

For the average individual, ginger will not have any side effects. This is because most people will not consume enough ginger to overload the body. Health care providers and nutritionists agree that you should keep your ginger consumption under 4 grams per day. If you are taking a ginger supplement, it is important to read the label as this is a concentrated amount of ginger. 

In some cases, the overconsumption of ginger can cause side effects such as heartburn, dizziness, mouth, and throat irritation, or diarrhea. If you are worried about incorporating ginger teas or supplements into your diet, it is best to seek medical advice from a trusted doctor. They can give you a proper dosage and information on the best time to consume ginger to prevent any unwanted side effects. 

Too much ginger can cause acid reflux
Too much ginger can cause acid reflux

Is Ginger Tea Good for Your Kidneys?

The kidney’s function is primarily to remove waste products from the body. Kidney problems can arise for several reasons. Because of the anti-inflammatory and increased immune system functions, it is easy to believe that ginger would be healthy for our kidneys. 

Ultimately, more research is needed to fully determine whether the use of ginger supplementation is effective to treat kidney issues such as the formation of kidney stones, and chronic kidney disease, and preventing the need for a kidney transplant or even kidney failure. 

A bottle of ginger essential oil with ginger root and ground ginger
A bottle of ginger essential oil with ginger root and ground ginger

How to Prepare Ginger Tea At Home 

Ginger tea is incredibly simple to make at home using your recipe. You can purchase pre-made tea bags that contain ginger root and steep as you would a normal tea bag, or prepare a cup of ginger tea fresh by using the steps below. 

  1. Peel and slice a 1-ounce piece of fresh ginger root 
  2. Place the peeled and sliced ginger into a mug 
  3. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil using a stove, kettle, or microwave 
  4. Pour hot water into a mug 
  5. Let the mixture steep for a minimum of 5 minutes, for added flavor the tea can steep for up to 1 hour 
  6. (Optional) Remove ginger pieces from warm water using a strainer or spoon 
  7. Flavor with honey, lime, turmeric, or any other flavors of your liking 

Ginger tea usually comes in many variations because this flavor profile goes so well with others! Don’t be afraid to create your ginger tea. 

Cup of ginger tea with lemon and honey on dark stone background
Cup of ginger tea with lemon and honey on dark stone background


Ginger tea is said to have originated in China during the seventh century. Even years ago, ginger tea was used for not only its delicious flavor but numerous health benefits. 

Some of the most notable health benefits that come from drinking ginger tea regularly are a boosted immune system, reduced inflammation, and relief from nausea. Ginger tea can also rid the body of toxins such as alcohol, which is why it is linked to increased liver function. Research still needs to be done to fully understand if ginger can be used to prevent kidney issues such as the formation of kidney stones and kidney disease.  

Ginger tea can be made by combining the ginger root spice with other tea leaves, or by boiling water and steeping a piece of ginger to create a liquid. Ginger tea is fairly easy to make at home, by following a few simple steps. We hope you enjoyed this guide to ginger tea. Happy sipping! 





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