If you are suffering from hormonal imbalances such as the menstrual cycle, menopausal symptoms, or another medical condition, you may be searching for a remedy for these health issues.

If you speak to your healthcare provider about a natural way to balance your hormone levels, they will probably suggest herbal teas. The best teas for hormonal balance is a tricky subject, but we’ll help sort it out.

Many factors can trigger levels of hormones to change, such as puberty, pregnancy, stress, etc. A hormone imbalance can lead to adverse effects on your nervous system and immune system such as mood swings, headaches, infertility, hair loss, weight loss or gain, and many others.

The good news is that certain teas have been used for their health benefits when it comes to hormonal balance for many years. 

In this article, we will discuss what hormones are, how your hormones get off balance, and which herbal teas to drink to help get your hormones back on track! Let’s get into it. 

Glass tea cup with herbal tea and flowers
Glass tea cup with herbal tea and flowers

What are Hormones? How Can You Get a Hormone Imbalance?

First, let’s start by explaining what exactly hormones are. Hormones are chemicals within the body that contribute to men’s and women’s health.

Hormone production occurs in the endocrine system. Some major endocrine glands in the body are the pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes, and ovaries. 

Having an imbalance means you have too many or too few hormones being produced. Hormone replacement therapy may even be suggested for those suffering from severe hormone displacement.

Many doctors believe that the best way to balance hormones is with natural ingredients and remedies such as a healthy diet, exercise, and herbal products such as tea blends. 

Illustration depicting a sign with a hormone concept.
Illustration depicting a sign with a hormone concept.

How Can a Tea Regulate Your Hormones? 

Teas can regulate your hormones with their healing properties. Some teas can stop insulin resistance, reduce testosterone levels, balance estrogen levels and cortisol levels, increase energy levels, and have many other health benefits. They are a great addition to your diet daily, especially for women during their time of the month. 

The adrenal glands make the hormones cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.
The adrenal glands make the hormones cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.


There are many powerful herbs linked to boosting aspects of female hormones and health. Many of these hormone balance herbs can also be used to create organic tea that has a ton of health benefits with minimal or no side effects. Here’s our list of the top teas to drink to balance hormones. 

  • Vitex Berry Tea 

​​Also known as chaste tree berry tea, vitex is a tea that has been known to neutralize hormones and treat issues such as irregular or painful periods, infertility, PMS symptoms, menopause, and hormone imbalance that comes from the discontinuation of birth control pills.

For the best results, the extracts of the fruiting part of the plant (the chaste berry) should be used in the tea. 

  • Red Clover Tea 

Red clover can be beneficial for not only balancing hormones but a clean liver as well. A healthy liver increases blood flow which eliminates compounds that could block hormones. Red clover also contains plant estrogens which can combat low estrogen levels seen in menopause.

If you are experiencing hot flashes, premenstrual syndrome, or breast tenderness then red clover tea is a great option. 

  • Stinging Nettle Leaf Tea

Nettle leaf is a tea that is known for its medicinal properties and can have many benefits such as heart health, gut health, and increased immunity.

Some reports indicate that nettle leaf can lower DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is a hormone that is strongly linked to female hair loss. Additionally, when it comes to women’s health, stinging nettle-leaf tea has been proven to reduce menstrual cramps and bloating by processing estrogen and reducing fibroids. 

  • Mint Tea (Spearmint or Peppermint)

Spearmint tea and peppermint teas can help reduce testosterone production which can be seen in women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. High testosterone levels in women can lead to unwanted symptoms such as irregular periods, excessive acne, facial hair, and hair loss. 

  • Black Cohosh Tea 

Black cohosh root is known for its effectiveness when it comes to women who suffer from vaginal dryness and hot flashes. This is why it is popularly recommended for women who are going through menopause and hormone replacement therapy. Black cohosh root should not be used by women who are pregnant or have liver problems, because it could cause the following side effects: upset stomach, cramping, headache, rash, vaginal spotting or bleeding, and weight gain.

  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea 

Organic raspberry leaf can be mixed with hot water to create an effective tea when it comes to the health of women’s reproductive organs. This tea can improve heavy period flows, and supports a healthy menstrual cycle, and fertility. 

  • Chamomile Tea 

While chamomile may be popular as a sleepy-time tea, this is mostly because it has a big impact on stress hormones.

Chamomile tea also contains flavonoids and other compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to hormone health and promote healthy skin and soothe the gastrointestinal tract. 

  • Motherwort Tea 

Motherwort tea is believed to support hormones in a big way, especially in women going through menopause. It can help reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, all of which are symptoms of this phase of life.

Motherwort is also considered a uterine tonic, which means it can have a toning and strengthening effect on the uterus that contributes to the normal function of the uterus and reproductive system. 

  • Lady’s Mantle Tea 

As you can tell by the name, Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) has potential effects on hormonal health since it is believed to help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual cramps, and reduce excessive menstrual bleeding. 

It also helps with symptoms associated with menopause such as mood swings and hot flashes because it stimulates menstruation actions for those low certain hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. In addition to all that, it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is linked to hormone disruption. 

  • Ginger Tea 

Ginger tea is easily made by steeping fresh ginger root found at the grocery store. This simple tea has been used for its medicinal properties for many years.

Ginger tea supports many aspects of hormone health when it comes to women’s health such as reducing heavy periods, regulating irregular periods, helping with ovulation which improves fertility, relieving period pains, and even boosting immunity! 

  • Milk Thistle or Dandelion Tea 

Milk thistle and dandelion are both liver herbs. This means they are great at supporting detoxification because the liver is the organ dedicated to removing toxins from the body.

In addition to detoxification, both milk thistle tea and dandelion tea have been proven to regulate blood sugar, limit insulin resistance, promote healthy skin, help with blood clotting, and can reduce heavy periods. 

  • Cinnamon Tea 

Cinnamon may help to improve insulin resistance and support regular menstrual cycles. Additionally, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, which we know can contribute to hormone health overall.

Cinnamon (in tea or supplement form) has been linked to reducing symptoms such as period pains, nausea, and heavy period flow. Cinnamon tea has many other benefits when it comes to health, such as heart health, antimicrobial properties, and acts as a digestion aid. 

Other Natural Ways To Regulate Hormones 

In addition to incorporating one of these herbal teas into your daily diet, there are several other ways that you can naturally regulate your hormones. Take a look below at the list of recommended activities and practices you can do to keep your hormones happy. 

  • Eat plenty of protein and healthy fats 
  • Exercise regularly to maintain a moderate weight
  • Keep an eye on gut health
  • Lower sugar intake
  • Reduce stress
  • Get enough sleep
Portrait of an attractive young pregnant woman drinking an iced tea while relaxing on the sofa at home
I get to indulge whatever cravings my hormones concoct. Portrait of an attractive young pregnant woman drinking an iced tea while relaxing on the sofa at home


Hormones are chemicals within the body that contribute to our health. They are produced in the endocrine system which consists of the pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes, and ovaries.

A hormone imbalance means there are too many or too few hormones in the body, which can lead to adverse side effects such as mood swings, headaches, infertility, hair loss, weight loss, or gain. Common times for people to experience a hormone imbalance are puberty, pregnancy, stress, and women’s time of the month. 

Hormones can balance themselves, or your doctor may even suggest hormone replacement therapy. If you are looking for a natural way to balance your hormones with organic ingredients, you should consider certain herbal teas. 

Some of the best teas when it comes to hormone health are Vitex Berry Tea, Red Clover Tea, Chamomile Tea, Motherwort Tea, and Lady’s Mantle Tea. This is because these teas are loaded with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other healing properties.

As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider to ensure these herbal supplements are right for you and your body. We hope you enjoyed reading about these powerful teas! Stick around for more tea tricks and tips. 

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